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Our Philosophy

At Little Jewels we believe the learning process begins long before formal schooling. Between the ages of 0 - 5 your child absorbs everything in their environment without the sophisticated capacity to distinguish between good and bad. At Little Jewels we believe that it is our task to present to the children within our care that which is wholesome and worthy of imitation during these informative years. We believe the knowledge, experience and learning principles acquired during these early years are an important basis from which the children will advance into formal learning.


In our everyday city lives, children are exposed to that which we may wish to protect them from. At Little Jewels we try to counterbalance the effect of our hectic modern lifestyle and help the children to conquer and make the best use of their surroundings. The emphasis at Little Jewels will be providing a safe and comfortable place where a child feels secure and happy. It will become a 'home away from home’ where everything is directed at bringing the best out of each child in terms of language, intellectual imagination and social interaction.


Our programme will be tailored to meet the needs of each child. Furthermore, each child will be treated as an individual and allowed to develop at his/her own pace.


At Little Jewels Pre-school we teach children to learn through play. This method encourages the children to develop skills and to learn by examples set whilst playing, thus making the learning process both fun and enjoyable.


Care and Learning


At Little Jewels Pre-school we teach children to learn through play. This encourages the children to develop skills and to learn by examples set whilst playing, thus making the learning process both fun and enjoyable.

Our aim within the Pre-School is to ensure that your child is ready and eager to start mainstream school.

Following the key areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and led by qualified practitioners, the structured programme of activities is rich and varied including music, science experiments, creative play and gardening.

The type of teaching is enormously varied. We combine both adult-led and child-initiated activities to encourage independent learning and motivate children to link together the areas of development.


Babies & Toddlers:

The first two years of a child’s life are critical to their development. During this period a child’s experiences plays a fundamental role in the development of the brain and laying the foundations for all intellectual and emotional development to follow.

Through the constant care and support from our qualified staff we aim to create an atmosphere which allows babies to develop and progress at their own pace whilst gaining in confidence. Using movement, sound, colour and touch, babies are encouraged to explore, develop and above all, enjoy their ‘second home’.
During the third year of a child life, they will experience huge changes moving from total dependence as a baby to a more independent, mobile world. At this age a child explores their ability to assert their independence and individuality, communicate, move purposely and control their bodily functions.

Through this period your chid will be provided with challenges in a relaxed and trusting environment. Our staff will plan activities based on each individual child’s needs and interests so as to encourage their involvement.


As our children move into independence our programme for learning develops a more meaningful and purposeful structure, where children are positively encouraged to explore the world around them with curiosity. Making learning fun, encouraging children to respond with enthusiasm and vigour.


Our setting is specially layout to enable the children to explore their environment freely. The activities provided are based upon a child’s first experience of the world and are carefully planned, prepared and appropriate for each individual child’s stage of development. We recognise that every child is an individual and has varying needs and abilities; we plan every child’s day to make it fun and educational. We provide a range of activities, sensory equipment and different natural material that will stimulate and encourage their progress.

Our policy is to work closely with Haringey Council and local schools to ensure that our teaching methods attain the standards necessary for each child to enter the primary education system.


Preschool Leavers:
As your child finishes their time at Little Jewels Pre-School we celebrate them moving onto mainstream school in style: with a fun and exciting graduation ceremony. An occasion for all the family with a Preschool Production and a graduation service (complete with little gowns and hats).

However, it doesn’t have to end there. We also provide a pick-up service from local schools, during your child's settling period. So you can rest assure that they are being picked up by a familiar face and looked after in the setting they are accustomed to, until you are able to pick them up and take them home.

Parent Partnership

Parent partnership at Little Jewels Pre-school is vital to our children's development. It allows us to support them having a strong link between home and nursery.


Each child is allocated a member of staff known to the parent and child as their 'key person'. The key person will have knowledge and understanding on how children learn and develop and will acquire the unique understanding of what your child's current interest and needs are.


The relationship between the 'Key Person' and child and parent will begin on day of the your child attending the setting. To build an attachment with the key person it is important that your child recognises your acceptance of the key person which will lead to them having secure confidence in their relationship with the key person.


Key person's recognise the parent is the child's first educator, it is the parent who will know their child best and we will work in partnership with the parent to ensure we have all current information needed to settle and build upon your child's learning and development. The key person will effectively share information with you in order for your child's needs to be understood and therefore met.


A child's time at a Little Jewels pre school nursery should be a memorable journey not just for them but for parents too. The key person role is to capture all your child's learning.


Talking about your child's learning will happen informally at the beginning or end of the day when you drop off or collect your child from nursery. Engaging in a conversation with your child's key person can often produce useful information about new interests or experiences that can be used to plan exciting and challenging learning opportunities at nursery and further create activity ideas that can be shared with parents to do at home.


At Little Jewels, we recognise how busy parents are and that it may not always be possible to engage in a daily convesation with your child's key person, so to support a regular two way flow of communication we use means such as a baby diaries, newletters, texts and emails. Parent's pre-arranged meetings take place regularly and provide opportunities for key persons to share observations, assessments, and planning with you and to be able to listen and respond to any thoughts or questions you may have.


We also organise school trips, festival celebrations, story times along with two annual open days for parents and carers to come in and see their children perform and share in refreshment. These events allow parents to network with other parents and staff.


Little Jewels pre school serve a healthy and wholesome breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack each day.

Freshly prepared, we can easily adapt menus to include any child's special dietary needs so there is always a suitable alternative including vegetarian meals. We don't add sugar or salt to our dishes, which are created to ensure your child receives balanced and nutritious meals.


Our menu is rolled over a three week period and copies are available for parents to help plan their own meals at home as well as being displayed on the notice board.

Sessions and Fees

Little Jewels supports the Central Government offer of free entitlement to 3 & 4 year olds. This provision is available for all children in the term following their 3rd birthday until they reach compulsory school age.


Regulations prescribe that children become eligible for free early year's provision on the dates set out below:


Children born:

1st April - 31st August: Eligible for a free place on 1st September following the child's 3rd birthday (Autumn School Term)

1st September - 31st December: Eligible for a free place on 1st January following the child's 3rd birthday (Autumn School Term)

1st January - 31st March: Eligible for a free place on 1st April following the child's 3rd birthday (Autumn School Term)


The Early Years Free Entitlement is equivalent to 15 hours free (term time only) or 507 hours per year. All 3 - 4 year olds are entitled to at least 15 hours  free and some are entitled to an extra 15 hours depending on your household income. To find out what level of free childcare hours you are entitled to, visit


For a custom quote of fees for your child, please send us a message using our Contact Us page

Ofsted Report

Click here to read our most recent report from Ofsted (January 2023)

Any Questions?

Please don't hesitate to ask using our contact us here

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